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E9: How You CAN Overcome The Most Destructive Energy in The Universe

The deeper we go into this exploration the more challenging it becomes as there are many, many beings who DO NOT want so much of this information out there.

They want to continue to have power over others.  They want to continue to control and manipulate the population, under the cover of “but we’ve always done it that way”.

Its hard to fight against a force so strong.  But as we learned in this episode, fighting against something only makes that something stronger…which is why I am choosing to focus solely on truth and allowing that information to come through.

Its frustrating those who would like to manipulate the situation by impacting what I share and how I share it…because they cannot change truth.  They can only change a person’s beliefs and impact how that person acts based on those beliefs.

And when they cannot impact someone’s beliefs, they have no power.

This is why you need to take a good look at your beliefs.  Are they serving the person you want to be, the person you were taught to be or the person you have the potential to become?

It is your own belief system that determines your life.

Want a different life?  Then look at where your beliefs are holding you back.  Then change them.

Tired of feeling powerless?  Then start to look at what you CAN do to change that…it’s up to you.  The effort you put into your life is exactly what you are going to create for yourself.  If you want greatness in any area, then you must become greatness itself.

Stop using pity to try and get ahead or to justify why you can’t.

Who you BE is a reflection of your beliefs.  It’s time for you to expand your beliefs to encompass your potential.

Much love,

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