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E8: What Caused The Pandemic

What happens when you don’t recognize your value?  You CAN be manipulated.  Which is exactly what has happened across the planet.  In this episode we talk about what you can do to start learning how to recognize your value and when you’re giving your power away.

The best episode so far for anyone who wants to recognize their own power….not to yield it over others, but to use it to create a life of purposeful change and transformation.

As a universal Being you have powers and intentions beyond anything you know exists, your job is to discover those and then allow yourself to become them.  Yes, become them.  Because energy is an experience we step ‘into’ so that we can create a new experience based on what we now know.

The learning process itself is the process of expanding your awareness and evolving into a new being on a regular basis.  The problem is that most people are addicted to staying the same – fearful of anything new…because they cannot ‘know’ the outcome.

It’s time to let go of the control that ‘needs to know’ and the expectations we set for ourselves and those we love so that every single person has the ability to evolve.

Evolution is a commitment.  It takes effort and you may find that those around you do not want to continue…that’s ok, let them go, but do not let their choice stop your own progress…because then it becomes your choice to stop evolving.  Do not let their fears of loosing something they think is valuable stop you from evolving into the incredible soul being that you know you are meant to be.

Much love,

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