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E10: Overcome The Fear Of Truth

Overcoming anything is always about believing in yourself and allowing yourself to learn whatever it is you have not yet learned in order to become someone else.

So if your goal is to no longer fear something, you need to become a person who does not fear that particular thing.  A new person.  Which means you must change what you believe in and how you perceive something.

Don’t worry about needing to know which belief it is that needs to change…you learn that along the way.  As soon as you recognize that you are choosing to accept this new opportunity and face the challenges you being offered.

Pain and suffering are a perspective.  They are not a truth.

How you react to pain and suffering determines your ability to succeed.  Just like your reaction to your challenges and opportunities.

Are you the type of person who wants to hide from the truth?  Or are you the type of person who wants to justify why the truth isn’t for you or why it doesn’t relate to you?

Being able to recognize your ‘go to’ pattern whenever you are faced with needing to recognize that you are not seeing a truth in your life is the most important part of being able to overcome your fear of seeing the truth.  As well as understanding that when you see the truth, you are ensuring your ability to succeed.

Hiding from the truth is you communicating to the universe that succeeding wasn’t really your goal anyways, that you were just playing around.  Even though you know deep down that you really do what to achieve that particular goal.

This episode is all about getting real with yourself on a whole new level.  Being able to recognize that truth of who you are and who you are being so that you can see what you are creating.

When you call yourself out on your behaviours, then you are stepping into your power.  You’re not waiting for someone else to catch you or push you, you are communicating to the universe that you recognize that you and you alone are solely responsible for your life and that you are committed to doing everything you can to explore every bit of your own potential as possible.

Much love,

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