A quest to uncover the greatness of humanity.

Join Michelle as she explores existence, creation, evolution and the human experience from the Universal perspective.  

Using her gifts for Universal Communication, Healing & Exploration, Michelle shares insights and information that will challenge the way you look at the world, yourself and why you are here so you can Become Who You Are Meant to BE.

Latest Episodes

E36 To become who you are meant to be you have to honour your past.

E36: To become who you are meant to be, you have to honour your past. Honouring your past takes significant effort, especially when it means seeing your challenges as gifts.  Amanda’s natural ability to jump in and explore life from all angles, while pulling out when it doesn’t feel right is what makes her an incredible healer.  It’s rare to see [...]

E35 When your Soul Purpose is deeply connected with Nature.

E35: When Your Soul Purpose is deeply connected with the nature. The deep connection between humans and the natural world is far more intricate than we’ve been led to believe.  Helen’s soul shares insights into her unique connections with nature and powerful details of her soul purpose, as well as revealing guidance for the next step of Helen’s journey. Helen’s soul’s [...]

E34 Overcoming childhood trauma to Find Your purpose

E34: Overcoming childhood trauma to Find Your Purpose. Your life is filled with the exact experiences you need to fulfill your higher calling, but let’s face it…  sometimes it’s hard to see the value of some experiences.   Healing from significant trauma brings awareness of your soul purpose while creating the opportunity for you to reach your highest potential. MaryBeth’s story is [...]

E33 When did death become traumatic?

E33: When did death become traumatic? Life, Death & the in between – somewhere along the way humans have forgotten our true origins and how life and death were meant to unfold.  We became scared of the unknown because we forgot how to access the information we most want to know about the people we love. In episode 33 we explore where, [...]

E31 Overcoming Post-Partum Depression Drug Free

E31: Overcoming Post Partum Depression Drug Free Mothers are sacred beings and yet our world takes that role for granted.  Learn how to embrace your role as a parent to be, how to nourish your body during gestation and what roles the rest of your family are meant to fulfill so you can enjoy your time getting to know this tiny human [...]

E30 Communicating with Sasquatch

E30: Communicating with Sasquatch Ever wonder if Sasquatch exist?  Why some humans see them while others don't? A few weeks ago I came across a social media post from a guy named Mike Paterson whose been studying and working with Sasquatch in Ontario, Canada for the last decade.  Then I began receiving messages from these incredible beings and asked if I could [...]

E29 You Can Change The World

E29: You Can Change The World How often do you see something that makes your heart ache?  That makes you wish the world was a different placed? What have you done about it? You’re doing more than you think. On today’s episode we’re talking about exactly what it is you’re doing with your energy and how you’re contributing to change the world.  [...]

E28 You Are The Master of Your Destiny

E28: You Are The Master of Your Destiny Mastering your destiny sounds intimidating, but in reality, it’s actually just being able to follow your heart and allow yourself to really feel what your soul is saying to you through energy. When you complicate what your soul offers and how it is offered to you, you become overwhelmed with feeling disconnected from your [...]

E27 Finding Your Way To Happiness

E27: Finding Your Way To Happiness Have you ever wanted something so bad, but you just can’t see how to make it happen?  Then this is the episode for you. Being able to see where you’re the one blocking yourself takes guts.  It takes courage and it takes being able to really look at yourself and your life from a higher perspective. [...]

E26 Your Brain Is Trickier Than You Think

E26: Your Brain Is Trickier Than You Think This episode is a reflection of just how ‘smart’ humans are, but it also let’s you know that having wisdom and being smart are very different things. Smart is a reflection of how your brain was trained to operate, whereas wisdom is the ability to discern when your brain is creating limits in order [...]

E25 Truth is the New Love

E25: Truth is the New Love You don’t have to like it.  You don’t have to believe it.  But it is happening. Truth is the new foundation for humanity and whether you like it or not is of no consequence other than how you align yourself with it will determine how your life unfolds. Truth is challenging to align with, especially in [...]

E24 The Fear of Being Seen

E24: The Fear of Being Seen How impacted are you by what others think, say or do? What determines your choices and how you decide what’s best for you? This week we talk about using the fears of others as the foundation for making the choices that determine what your life looks like and the experiences you will have. The Universal Council [...]

E23 What Makes You Remarkable?

E23: What Makes You Remarkable? It’s not what you think, it never is. Finding the answer is easy, as long as you’re not looking in the obvious places… There’s a special way to find your magnificence and in episode 23 we discuss exactly where you need to look to discover what makes you remarkable, along with a very special mission to help [...]

E22 The Great Quest

E22: The Great Quest You are your greatest quest.  Discovering who you are and what you are capable of.  How much time do you actually spend on that quest each day? How much time do you spend pretending your quest isn’t important?  How much time do you spend justifying why you don’t have time for your quest today? What if everything you’re [...]

E21 How Awakening Works

E21: How Awakening Works Humans are spiritual warriors.  It’s how we exist, even if or when we don’t want to see it. The truth is, you are on a journey of your highest potential and the challenge is, are you going to reach it? For hundreds of thousands of years humans have been evolving into and through their greatest potentials all because [...]

E20 There Are No Rules

E20: There Are No Rules There is a huge secret in the universe…and yet secrets don’t really exist.  So how does that work. Well, secrets only exist if you allow them to.  Which means that when you overcome the belief of secrets they will cease to exist.  Now obviously you can’t just say “I don’t believe in secrets’ and bam, you know [...]

E19 How To Find Your Purpose

E19: How To Find Your Purpose The freedom that comes from finding your purpose is not from the recognition of a tangible thing you have to offer the world, but rather the understanding that who you are matters and the knowing that what you have to offer is extremely valuable.  All of which are discovered in the journey to finding your purpose. [...]

E18 What’s Love Got To Do With It?

E18: What's Love Got To Do With It? Remember that moment when you felt love for the first time?  Now it’s time to go deeper and discover just how authentic that love really was.  In this episode we discover what loves looks like and how to get more love in your life while also discovering a bit about what happens when we [...]

E17 Why You Were Created

E17: Why You Were Created Ever wonder where you fit or if you are valuable enough to be here? In my old life – how I refer to the time before I remembered who I really am – when I was running around trying to keep up with everyone else and still trying to find a way to be unique, life was [...]

E16 The Power Of You

E16: The Power Of You There is an energy inside of you that holds everything you need to know.  It tells you Who, it tells you When, it tells you How High and it even tells when not to act.  The tricky part is that most of us have been taught to shy away from listening to it, in lieu of following [...]

Sacred Fear Releasing Ceremony – Explained

Sacred Fear Releasing Ceremony - Explained Wow, it’s been quite an interesting few days. I had planned on doing a LIVE Podcast recording today with all the details, but it seems what I want and what is the right thing to do are different. So, I am going to share what you need to know about what has happened so [...]

E15 The Creation Process

E15: The Creation Process As a Universal Being you have some serious Superpowers – are you using them? For most of the past ten thousand or so years humanity has been fighting an ever-growing hole of scarcity around who we are and what we have to offer.  Did you read that?  10,000 years.  This is not new.  This is not unique to [...]

E14 Awakening to Truth

E14: Awakening to Truth As a human race we’ve been shifting out of survival mode into awakening mode for a few decades now.  We’ve been given an abundance of opportunities to really see who we are so that we can make the changes we need to make to reach the goals we have for ourselves. The problem is that so many are [...]

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Who You Be Today, Creates Your Tomorrow.