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E16: The Power Of You

There is an energy inside of you that holds everything you need to know.  It tells you Who, it tells you When, it tells you How High and it even tells when not to act.  The tricky part is that most of us have been taught to shy away from listening to it, in lieu of following a *more acceptable* way.

Well, the time has come to start to recognize just how limiting this more acceptable way of being really is and why it isn’t right for you AND why it is this way of life that is holding you back from experiencing the universal abundance that is waiting for you.

If you are not living the life you want and experiencing the abundance and success you’re meant to…this episode explains why.

It’s time to empower yourself by getting out of your own way.  But how can you do that if you don’t actually know where you’re getting in your own way…listen to episode 16 and actively participate in the opportunity the universe is giving you to see more truth about yourself and become even more accountable so that you can really open up the well of abundance.

Each level on your journey is filled with opportunities to become more accountable for the person you are being.  This is the exact reason so many people get stuck along the way or come to a full stop.  It’s because they don’t want to look as deeply into themselves as they know they have to in order to reach that next level of consciousness.

Which basically means you’re feeding fear.

But there’s a better more easeful way.

It’s all about how you look at yourself, your journey and the opportunities you’re offered…in Episode 16 I explain it all as well as helping you to navigate between emotions and feelings.

Much love,

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