Truth & Transparency

An update on the current state of the universe. 

Sometimes when we are on the brink of our true greatness it can feel like the entire world is falling apart.  That’s because it is.  Everything you know and the world you have built up until now is about to collide with your new found greatness.

It’s not meant to be pretty or easeful or graceful.  It’s meant to be filed with the most obscure thinking, radical awareness and significant dreams you have ever had.


Because this is your new life being created.

You see, everything is created first in energy.

But not just any energy, this is the fundamental foundation of the existence this universe was built on.

That’s why everything feels so rough and raw right now.  Because every single human on the planet is being given the opportunity to create their own new foundation.

That also means that we’re working on letting go of a whole lot of stuff that no longer aligns with who we are and where we’re going.

You see, the path ahead always has the potential to be brimming with goodness, but we have to first be willing to see that goodness for what it is.  And sometimes that is hard to do.  In fact sometimes it’s downright challenging to *want* to actually change your life.

So instead, you choose the same path, with the same people, never leaving room for growth or error, because you fear anything and everything that *might* happen.  The mental intention here is to protect, but the reality that has been created is a protective layer of nothing. Seriously, it’s a space of existence around you that is void of energy.

And what happens is this space actually begins to press closer into you and begins to affect your ability to see yourself truly and wholly for who you are, but also blinds you from seeing what you are actually doing with your energy.

That is why *We* are removing this energetic space from all of humanity.

You will no longer be able to be ignorant, nor will you be able to ignore what you are doing with your energy.  From now on everything you think, say or do is going to come back to you instantly and you are going to feel exactly what it is that you are creating in every moment.

This is the new world.  It is the new dawn rising to meet you, so that you can have everything you need to support you growing and expanding into your new life.

There is no fear here, it’s just pure potential that has been hidden only by the fear of not wanting to be your true self for fear that you may actually want to be hurting someone else or they you.

Fear is hindered only by the truth.  Right now, your truth is that you don’t want to play the same game of life anymore.  That’s because you know in your heart, you’re ready for more.  You’re ready to outgrow every aspect of the life you are currently living, because you know you’ve already outgrown your true self.

That’s the whole point…your true self is different.

But how is that ever possible?  Because your true self is a reflection of the current awareness you have of all 3 levels of existence: human (physical), soul and universal.

Yes, we as humans were always meant to have full conscious awareness of all things in relation to existence, evolution and the intricacies of how energy flows through all things (this is actually how we learn), but it was lost for billions of years.  Meaning we stepped away from our roots and embraced ways that were foreign to us.  Not because we chose that path, but because we were taught to accept that path as truth.

And now we are being given back the path of truth.

Since the December 2021 Solstice, when the entire universe shifted to a Truth based existence from the Love based we have always known, there has been significant transformation.  Now we’re ready for more.

And although this newest shift is going to contribute, it’s not going to stop there. In the next few weeks, you’re going to find massive shifts and profound acts of God that will propel the entire human race into the December 2022 Solstice portal where we will all discover a new world once again.

This new world will be based on truth as we already know, but there will also be a newfound transparency that has never been felt before.  Once again igniting humans to recognize that there is no such thing as hidden or secret information.  Likewise, there are no beings whom may hide themselves and their motives.

Humanity is rich, pure and extremely aware and as souls, you need to remember your true divine nature in order for you to fulfill your higher calling to consciously participate in transforming the human experience.

It’s one thing to talk about it, it’s another to know this is your calling and it’s another thing all together to actually choose to participate in the way that you as a soul are meant to: working in alignment with universal evolution.

Now more than ever before you are going to see and feel a separation between what is true and what can never be true.  It’s not in your mind and it isn’t time to argue with it, that time is long gone.  Now it’s time to really focus on becoming more of the truth you are and were always meant to be, free of the drama that proceeds many on their journey.

Drama is for those who are not yet ready to see and who are not ready to participate.  Drama is the layer of void energy that we have explained and expressed earlier and it is toxic.  But from now on, you will find more than ever before those humans who wish to walk with you, respect you and regard you in their truest form, seeing for the first time your truest form.  They are about to show up.

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Much love,

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