3 Steps to Reclaim Your Power

The truth of what power really means, why you lost it and how to reconnect with it. 

“Connect with your soul.  Know your power.  Use your power to change the world.”

This is the original intention for the rise of humanity.  However, so many people got lost when it came to the part about know your power.  Why?  Because we were taught to associate power with control and true power has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with control.

Power is a state of being.  It comes from being in connection with the energy of your soul.

Listen, energy is the lifeblood of all conscious beings; humans, matter, water, air, animals, land and nature…everyone and everything is conscious, with a few minor exceptions like plastic and synthetic materials created by derivatives of natural products that were processed down into organisms that they were never meant to be broken down into.

But when you think about it or feel into it, you can see that the creation of plastic is very much in alignment with the current manipulation of the human experience.  Both are mass produced responses to processes that were never meant to occur.

Now the problem is that we’ve also been taught that these processes are revolutionary and that they are indeed going to advance civilization, which has been proven to be false numerous times, yet that truth continues to be censored, shamed and manipulated…because it is impossible for the truth to remain hidden.  Again, another manipulation.

First, it’s important to understand that power is just a fact.  You are who you are.

You see, originally, we never had to ‘prove’ or justify who we are, we just saw it, felt it and knew it.  In order to block this simple truth, the education system was created. A system where we were enrolled because we were told we knew nothing until we were taught…from a book, by another human.

Now if you are able to feel energy, even the tiniest of amounts, you will know that truth is such a pure and potent energy. Truth exists within all things and it is the blueprint for this entire universe.  And the truth o the matter is, each and every human being in existence, knows who they are.  They feel their full power in every moment and they have full access to every single thing that has EVER occurred in the existence of existence itself.  Nothing is off limits.

All we have to do is feel the energy of our soul, then set our intention on what it is we want to know about ANY aspect of existence and instantly that insight is available.

But the education system told us our ability to feel wasn’t real.   Our ability to connect with energy wasn’t real.  Then we were told we couldn’t actually have access to anything and everything, we had to learn it from another human being.  And then we were told that education was a privilege and anyone without access t it wasn’t smart or bring and would never be successful.

Hence the current state of humanity.  The disconnect from our true selves.   Our second guessing what we feel and even more importantly, the competition strategy that wound up actually creating the dynamic of war…our lack of self worth.

You see, war was never meant to exist.  A power struggle over land, money, arms or power.  That word again.  Just think for a moment, can you imagine a world where a human being, any human really was created to hunt down another human being with the intent to cause harm or even kill?  Yet, this dynamic has been ingrained into our world, our lives and our belief systems as normal and even natural.

In fact, this dynamic in and of itself is the leading cause of PTSD on the planet.  Humans were never meant to hunt other humans and we most certainly were never meant to hunt other humans and yet it was promoted as the ‘honourable’ thing to do.  So now around the world, we have billions of human beings who were either pressured into joining war or who signed up genuinely as the honourable thing to do, who are now suffering with extreme reactions as a result.

There’s a reason we’re sharing all of this background with you…because each one of these dynamics is a result of perceived power.  But really it is a power struggle and that is a result of control and manipulation.  True power has nothing to do with this.

Now let me clear up what your power is.

Your power is a reflection of your ability to plug into Source.

Source is the energetic vibration that is you that was uniquely created to exist within this universe.

Yes, it sounds a bit complex, but in reality, it is the energetic vibration that is you.  This vibratiin becomes stronger when you consciously ‘plug’ yourself into it.  Meaning you choose to disengage from mental actions, beliefs and activities that take you away from a deep connection and turn instead towards embracing those people, things and experiences that bring you closer to who you are.

The tricky part in today’s world is being able to determine what is bringing you closer to who you really are as opposed to who you think you are.  Of course, this challenge arose as a result of all of the issues and challenges listed above.

But what you might now know is this: you are meant to succeed.

In fact you were created in alignment with the knowledge and awareness of the entire universe.

Read that again, because it is really, really important.

Why is this so important?  Because most people don’t feel like they belong.  Some people don’t feel like they even belong in their own life.

First off, you are not alone.  I repeat, you are not alone.

You feel like you don’t belong, because you were strategically taught that what you feel isn’t in alignment with truth.  When in actual fact truth is a state of being.  It is an energetic vibration and it only has one version, one side, one perspective.  It is complete with zero room for an error in judgement or misconception.

And yet everyday we are ‘taught’ either through our teachers, mentors, loved one that what we think is wrong or somehow not right.  We are shown time and time again that what we feel isn’t important and we are encouraged to learn how other people do things so that we in turn will become successful.

Not only is this the biggest lie in existence, you can see with your own eyes, the most successful people in the world do so because they didn’t wait for someone to tell them what to do or how to feel.  They chose to see their own truth, knowing that they wee indeed in alignment with their own higher power and they that had the right to become who they were meant to be, not because they needed to prove themselves, but because they came into this life to actually experience their own potential.

Now, take a minute to think of how many times in the last week, month and year you’ve been jealous of someone else.  Maybe they have a relationship you want.  Maybe they have a home you want.  Maybe they have a life you want.

Now think about your energy during this time.  How were you treating yourself?  Were you celebrating your own magic, or where you comparing yourself to others and seeing what you don’t have?

Now look at how you felt that one thing would change your life?  Would it make you happier?  Would you feel more valuable?  Did you think others would think more of you because you had that one thing?

Now look at your belief system…did you give power to a thing?

Now look deeper.

Allow yourself to really see how you treated yourself when you compared yourself to others or how you related your success to a thing.  What underlying intention did you choose to create in order to fulfill your dreams and happiness?

Now you need to ask yourself, is it even true?

Because here’s the real truth, you are the visionary behind every single thing you have ever experienced. From your birth to your family members, even to the life you’re living in this exact moment.  Yes, even those traumatic experiences that you want to run and hide from or forget.

But how can that be?

Because right now we are in the midst of the biggest mass transformation in the history of human existence.

Yes, there was Lumeria, yes there was Atlantis and yes there were a number of other experiences that all included power struggles and inter galactic dynamics, but they were all based on the illusions that were cast into our mental states and affected our ability as humans to see truth and to feel our own power.


For one reason and one reason only, to control the entire human experience.

It’s actually kind of fascinating that so many people think successful people are trying to control the world, when really they themselves are the ones playing into the internal dynamic of the mind to remain controlled themselves.

So then, how would you overcome that, what would it look like and where would you start?

Well, the first thing you need to do if you find yourself in the space of needing to see your own power is:

1.  To learn how to feel your power and not be afraid of it.

You would probably be surprised at how many people are actually afraid of their own Soul energy when they actually allow it to flow through them.

Why would that be?  Well, refer back to the beginning of this article, you were taught to fear your own true self so that you could be manipulated AND so that you would continue to propel and perpetuate that manipulation for generations…it’s actually a fascinating example of a sustainable creation (more on that later).

2.  Then you need to allow yourself to go freely with the flow of energy.

Again, another tricky tactic as most of us have been taught to fear our ability to feel energy itself, wondering if we’re going to be attacked and ‘infiltrated’ by some dark being.

The reality is, there will always be some jerk who would rather spend their time manipulating others than finding their own potential…but it’s usually because they too, are fearful of their own power.  But here’s the truth, you can spot them from a mile away because they aren’t actually living in or holding the vibration of truth.

You see, as a universal being, you were created with a very specific ‘anti-manipulation superpower’, it’s called truth.  All you have to do to tap into your superpower is to connect with your soul and then the soul of the universe, which is actually extremely simple once you know how to do it (it happens in a second) and then you instantly know if you’re being manipulated, lied to or suppressed.

Another one of those things that “they” don’t want you to remember, because then you cannot be controlled.

And 3. They want you to be complacent when they choose to act or react to anyone or anything with control.

This is the most significant one as it causes the most damage, and yet it is the one that has been mastered the most in our current society.  Because when you think of someone in power, who comes to mind?

What is it they can do?  What makes them powerful?

This is your belief system.

And this exact belief system determines if you are actually able to be successful OR if you’re just going to continue following the words, guidance and belief systems of other humans, who aren’t actually supporting truth and ultimate success, but suppression, manipulation and control.

Yes, this goes against almost EVERYTHING we’ve been taught that we need to be successful in the world.  But it’s true.

How do you know it’s true.  Because you’re ready this.  Because you’ve already had these feelings for years and you’re now just finding the courage to go beyond the person you’ve been and the life you’ve been living.

But the real reason is that you can feel it.  Because that’s what feeling is, it’s an energy that flows through you and makes you feel something.

When you feel fear, anger resentment, frustration, judgement and condescending, then it’s your job to see who you are choosing to be so that you can change it, because those are all aspects of our behaviours that we’ve been taught, yes.  But we also use the to justify ALL of the reasons why someone else needs to change rather than us.

For example, when was the last time someone interrogated you and you realized that you needed to change?

How about the last argument you were in, did you take a deep breath after and choose to see the real dynamics of the actual bigger picture, or did you simply replay the conversation over and over again continuing to point out what the other person did wrong, so you could justify why you’re still mad.

This dynamic is what changed the entire human population’s potential.  This perspective of what was done to you rather than looking at what you did.  Not penalize yourself or judge yourself, because that is absolutely a colossal waste of time.  You see your participation as a way to allow yourself to recognize who you are choosing to be and exactly what that is creating for you an your life.

I know there are some serious extremes and I would also say that if you’re reading this you’ve probably experienced some or one of those extremes, but those who experience extreme challenges are very special and unique people.  They are the ones who will change the world, not because they have to or want to, but because they can feel it.

Yes, feeling your power is scary in a world where we’ve been told again and again that being your true authentic self is dangerous, ridiculous, a waste of time, shameful…you get the picture.

But the truth is, feeling your power is peaceful.  It’s comforting, nurturing and inspiring.  And it’s remembering those who are judging you are those who have not yet found the courage to reclaim their power.  But they will, because you are going to be relaxed and comfortable in your power, which will show and encourage them that power isn’t something to be feared, in fact powerful- being full of your soul energy and the soul and universal awareness and perspective that brings – is the one thing that we should all strive to become.

Because that is who you as a human soul were created to be.

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Much love,

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