June 2023 Solstice Insights

Sacred Solstice Blessings!

The December Solstice marks the beginning of the year, the time where we set intentions and allow our hearts to open to the wonder of our soul’s guidance and be filled with the visions that will carry us throughout the year.

The June Solstice is a time of renewal.  It is a realignment that brings the opportunity to seek out new awareness on our journey.

This year the June Solstice marks a time of renewal on a universal level never before seen.  We as the human race are being gifted with the opportunity to realign our physical foundation to that of the universal vibration.

If you’re wondering how we were ever removed from this vibration, that’s a great question.  This was actually the first of a series of strategically laid out and plans of mass extinction and deliberation by those who chose to see The Light as a true power source.

The fact is that ALL humans have The Light within us.  But for some it is and/or has been buried for hundreds of thousands of years.  Buried under false beliefs that were able to go undetected because of our systems being messed with.

That is why THIS June Solstice is so vitally important.

It is the time where humanity is being offered the opportunity to restore so much of what has been lost for generations.

The most fascinating part is that most humans don’t know what’s missing, but we all hold this deep knowing that there IS indeed something missing.  It is reflected in our restlessness, our indecision, our second guessing and our innate need to fulfill something significant in our lifetime.

Over the past two decades there have been millions of people who have felt the calling to rise to a more conscious way of living and being and yet the fulfillment has not been complete.  Now more than ever before we are being called to ride the wave of guidance being offered from within.  The challenge with this approach is that it can cause so much anxiety, fear and depression that is often ends with devastating or heartbreaking results.

Feeling overwhelmed with an inner knowing is not only imminent, it is part of the journey.  Learning how to handle these feelings is an innate part of why YOU came into this life right now.  It’s why you’re here.

Let me explain: the humans who have incarnated at this time are all here to play very specific roles in the resurrection of humanity.

Yes, you read that right ALL humans.  Everyone has their very specific and very significant role that they are playing out in order to fulfill their higher soul calling.

Sometimes that’s hard to understand or even believe based on the devastation and suffering we see and feel.  But I can offer you this, you are not alone and those who are suffering are doing so with a very specific reason.  They are fulfilling their soul journey.

It is also very important to understand that suffering was never meant to be part of the human experience.  In fact it is a reaction to the limitless suffering, control, and manipulation playing itself out.  But even in that there lies the answer; the suffering, control, and manipulation are limitless…WHY and How?

Because this universe only knows how to exchange energy in abundance.

So our basic nature and that of our world have worked against us.  But the only reason that these intention continue to win is because we believe them and their existence.

It is our belief systems that need to change.  It is how we process our thoughts that needs to change.  We need to re-instill our innate sense of being, aligning with the wisdom and nature of our soul and living through the vibration of energy first.  Rather than the vibration of our minds that most of us have been guided and trained to accept as truth.

After decades of exploring human potential as well as the current human condition, it is very evident that humans need help in remembering who we are.  Not because we can’t feel it, but because we have trouble accepting and believing what we feel because our minds have been washed with misbeliefs that keep us addicted to fear, training and mass conformation.

We’ve been taught that masculine energy is power-full, while feminine energy is nurturing.  We’ve been taught never to be too much for someone else, while also never giving away our true self.  Now more than ever these lies are restoring themselves to our natural balance of being in alignment with the entire universal experience.

Which means that you are about to go through a massive shift is awareness as well as a physical healing that will catapult you into a state of being completely balanced and aligned with your full potential and universal abundance.

This is absolutely terrifying for so many people because it means that everywhere they are not balanced is going to be revealed.

Instead of fearing this shift and change in universal dynamics, it is your opportunity for growth and divine reconnection with the deepest part of who you are – aligning with your soul to fulfill your true higher purpose here on earth in this life.

Over the next few months I will be in deep exploration of all things that matter to humans in relation to really understanding who we are and why we are here (as a human race).  I will be exploring who created humanity and how as well as what our innate and nature gifts are and how we are and have always been meant to use them.  *think how the Egyptian pyramids were created and where the millions of other pyramids are located around the world.

I will also be exploring the truth around human potential and how to actively pursue the search for a higher truth that has nothing to do with the current state of evolution, but that rises beyond ALL manipulation, fear and mass control.

This is the most important exploration I have ever been guided to undertake.  One, because it will allow me to fulfill my higher calling and soul role to restore human potential, but Two, it will mean that the research I have begun to live will change the course of humanity forever.  How?  Because once you see truth, once it is revealed, you can never go back to being ignorant.  Once you know truth on a universal level, you can never ‘unknow’ and that alone changes you.

I know I will be helping humanity rise, by re-instating a sense of wellbeing aligned purely with the soul of each individual as well as the soul of this entire universe.  That alone is so hard for the human mind to believe, let alone understand.  But either way, it is what I am here to do.

In the meantime, I will be holding a very Sacred Ceremony on Monday June 26th @ 8pm ET where I will be offering the following experiences:

  • The opportunity to connect deeply with the energy of Your Soul
  • I will hold space as Your Soul offers you a cleansing of all old and outdated experiences, pain, suffering and beliefs.
  • We will receive directly from The Soul of This Universe as well as The Creator Himself a vision for the future of humanity as well as the opportunity for you to see more of your role revealed to you.
  • Lastly you will receive a rebalancing (Healing) that will align you with the future of humanity and the universe itself. This will be deeply reflected in the pole shift that has recently concluded (search Schuman Resonance) as well as your ability to finally feel the freedom to follow what feels right for you, because you will be restoring your ability to feel the flow of abundance within and around you.

Register for the LIVE Sacred Ceremony here!

I look forward to leading this ceremony for you with grace, purity and truth and aligning with the power of your soul so that more truth may be revealed to you in ways that will resonate deeply and ensure your ultimate success.

Much love,

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