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Wow, what an incredible week.

I can honestly say that it has been years since we have experienced such intense energy and shifting on a universal level.

First, let me say, the exhaustion you are feeling is real.  And there is a VERY good reason for it.

Right now, we are shifting into a very sacred time.  A time when people will remember more of who they are and what they are meant to experience in this life.  But it takes a lot of effort to get there.

For centuries and millenniums humanity has been living in the dark.  Which basically means that we as humans have been asleep when it comes to being consciously aware of who we really are.

Over the last 50 or 60 years things have started to change.  People are finding that the longing in their hearts for more can no longer be ignored.  So as mainstream society plods along at an astounding pace, blissfully ignorant of why they really are, there are another group of us.

People who have been slowly waking up to the calling of our heart.

Slowly becoming aware that our minds are consciously choosing to ignore so much of what is actually happening around us.

It is the most challenging journey, because it demands that you look into every single belief you have in order to discover if your beliefs are aligned with truth or with the lies you have been told for your entire life.

It’s hard to look at your beliefs and admit to yourself let alone others, that you may have been wrong.  That your ancestors may have been wrong and that maybe, just maybe there is another way to look at things.

Right now, this is what we are going through.

An intense journey of self discovery that is demanding we look at any belief that we hold that is holding us back from our own success.

Whether we are questioning our work ethic, our ability to parent, our ability to heal ourselves and others and our ability to feel, deeply.

The fact is, the energy has shifted, and the veil has been dropped and if you are still not willing to recognize these changes have occurred you are going to feel it.

If you are sick and exhausted right now, chances are VERY good that you are unwilling to change a part of your beliefs.  A belief that will ultimately facilitate incredible change for you…into a life of wealth and abundance, but it will remain unattainable until you CHOOSE to change your belief.

If you are just exhausted, then chances are VERY good that you have been working on changing your beliefs without even being aware of what you are working towards.

If you have had moments of rage and/or anger, please know that it is ok.  Anger always comes from fear.  And when it arrives during times of transformation it is offering you a golden opportunity.

Rage is our minds way of lashing out when we are being faced with change.  It is our mind’s way of digging our heels in and insisting that we have it all figured out, because we have already determined that change is not an option for us.

Well, I really want to clear something up for you.  Change is a part of who you are.  In fact, you were designed to thrive, based upon your ability to be constantly evolving.

Crazy right?  But so very true.

You see, if and when you decide to allow yourself to flow into the changes that are being offered to you, it will no longer feel like they are being demanded.

You will see the truth, that you, yourself have been holding your dreams back because of something in your belief system that does not have room for the fulfillment of your dreams.

So, how do you get to the place where you are open to allowing yourself to even want to see the changes you are being offered?

I am so glad you asked.


There is a reason that most of the earth is covered in water.  There is a reason that your body contains more than 90% water.

Water is a part of everything in this universe that is a part of evolution.

It is derived from the essence of creation as a means to facilitate great change.  I’m sure if you took just a moment to consciously think about what you ‘know’ about water you would be astounded at its ability to transform itself.

There are millions of things to learn about water, but right now I want to focus on what it can do for you during this time of immense transformation.

Immersion – simply by placing yourself into any sort of water you will begin to feel immediate relief from any resistance.  Whether swimming, bathing, a shower, walking barefoot through puddles or soaking your feet, you will feel the cleansing power of water.

Your body is compiled of an incredible high concentration of water.  1. So that you have the ability to heal quickly and 2. So that you can easefully restore your ability to be in connection with the flow of the universe around you.

Ingestion – water is the highest-octane fuel for your body.  When you dilute it with carbonation, flavours, or colours it breaks down the purity, so your body needs more to get the fuel it needs to restore itself and run properly.

However, when you ingest pure, clean water you are;

  1. Telling your body that you respect it and are willing to nurture and care for you body in the best way possible.
  2. Giving your body the chance to work for you in the most effective and powerful ways.
  3. Choosing to remain connected to the universal flow of energy, within and around you.

The recommended dose of water is 3 to 4 litres of pure water daily for a healthy adult.

If you ingest highly processed foods or use synthetic products on your skin hair or in your environment, then you will require more to flush the toxins from your cells.

I have done cell regeneration work with almost every single one of my clients and rarely if ever are people drinking enough water for the way they are living.

If you are thinking ‘how am I going to ever drink that much in one day’.  I have a very simple rule I follow.  I drink 1 litre every 2 hours, for the first 8 hours of my day.

I use a simple 1-liter mason jar and I watch the clock to ensure I am fueling my body with what it needs to thrive.  If I wake at 5, I finish 1 jar by 7, another by 9, another by 11 and another by 1.  Then the rest of the day I drink whenever I am thirsty.

This system works great for me, because the water is out of my system long before bed time, so I am not up during the night for washroom breaks.

So, let’s recap;

You are going through some serious change, even if you are not aware of it.

Your beliefs are expanding, and you can either fight against it, or you can embrace these changes that are designed to ensure you succeed and thrive.

If you have felt overwhelmed, annoyed, angry or frustrated over the past few weeks, there is a bigger reason for it…no you are not crazy, even when you blew up over what seemed like nothing.

You are going through one of the most magnificent transformation humanity has ever experienced.

It is beautiful, it is messy, it is challenging, and it is ground breaking.

You are not alone.  Everyone is being given the same opportunities and they too are deciding just how much they are willing to change.

So be kind.  To yourself, to others and to strangers, because you never know how much even the smallest bit of compassion can impact another person in their transformation.

Remember the power you have within you.  Choose to use that power to flow into this life that is being created for you instead of resisting from fear.

Slow down, take stock and breathe.

You ARE becoming a purer and more significant reflection of who you are meant to be.  And it is time to really start enjoying the ride.

Much love,

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