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E6: The Truth You Didn’t Know You Needed To Hear.

Have you ever heard something and known that you will never be the same again?

That was the goal with today’s episode of the Universal Beings podcast…to help you see an aspect of society that more than 90% of people experience, yet it is cloaked in shame.  The worst part is that shame has become normal and the craziest part is that the shame itself isn’t even based on truth, it is based on a HUGE illusion.

Your mind is a universal creation with attention to details that you, I or even science has no concept of…yet every single day people make statements about the limits that one person or more are able to achieve or not.  This is absurd, so many people have proven this wrong again and again…yet the common and *accepted* belief is that medical science is far more knowledgeable than anyone else.

well, that perspective is extremely limiting and today’s episode is just one example of why…in fact it is the second largest ‘crime against humnaity’ on the planet and yet it is the most widely accepted practice.  Clearly its time for change.

My goal is to share awareness while also ensuring that truth is the foundation instead of lies and limitations spread by a lack of understanding and perspective; whether it be in relation to who humans are or how we were created.

We’re just beginning to touch the surface (not even scratching yet) of so many of the false beliefs that ensure humanity has little to no faith in itself – which in turn ensures that we remain separated from the true power and potential that lies within each and every one of us.

Here’s to you…expanding what you know about human beings and who we were created to be, but also empowering yourself to stand tall in who you are, knowing just how valuable you truly are.

Much love,

Until next time,

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