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E4: Interpreting Signs.

It’s not always easy to understand what the universe and your soul are trying to say.  But each message is a gift of insight into who you are and the challenges that are meant for you to overcome, so that you can recognize your own brilliance.

Episode #4 of the Universal Beings podcast is about understanding why we receive messages, because that is the first step in knowing how to interpret them.  Then it is about recognizing if you are open to receiving the message or if you are actively resisting growth and change because you are hiding behind your own fears.

Its time to stop letting fear control you…and seeing all the places where you justify why that fear is right and why you are going to continue to use it as a shield to protect you from your own greatness.

If you want to know when your soul is talking to you and how to understand exactly what it is saying to you, then you first need to recognize the role you are playing in blocking that information in the first place.

You are more powerful than any fear on the planet, as long as you focus on where you;/’re going instead of the fear itself.

Until next time,

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