E27: Finding Your Way To Happiness

Have you ever wanted something so bad, but you just can’t see how to make it happen?  Then this is the episode for you.

Being able to see where you’re the one blocking yourself takes guts.  It takes courage and it takes being able to really look at yourself and your life from a higher perspective.

It means you’re willing to really see and recognize where you’ve decided that you’re not enough or that you’re not worthy…but why?

At the end of the day where your belief – that you’re not enough – came from isn’t as important as dealing with the fact that it isn’t true and what you ARE going to do to get over it.

And that’s what episode 27 is all about.

You are being offered the opportunity to discover your passion and the potential life that IS already meant for you, if you and your beliefs weren’t actively participating in holding you back.

Yes, we ARE going that big…because you deserve it.

Much love,

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