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E2: Are You Open to Truth?

Are you open to truth?

I mean really open.

For example when someone challenges who you are choosing to be in any given moment…how do you react?  Are you open to hearing what they have to say or do you default to protecting yourself?

Truth is a hard thing for most people to grasp.  Its even harder when you believe that you need to protect yourself, especially form those you love the most.

Yet we’ve been trained to act this way and to accept that this is normal.

Its not normal to constantly feel the need to protect yourself.  But what’s even further from normal is that we think protecting ourselves is the right thing to do.

When you set out to protect yourself, energetically you’re communicating that you’re ready to fight for anything and everything you believe is right.

The question is; is what you believe right?

How do you know its right?  Where did your beliefs come from?

In this episode of Being Human, we discuss what it means to be open to truth, what truth actually looks like and how being open to truth can change your life…especially when it comes to learning how to turn your challenges into your greatest opportunities.

During each episode, I have no idea what we’re going to talk about, but I do know we are always going to learn something about ourselves as human beings, something about the universe and how existence works and at least one way that we can all become better human beings.

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