Latest Episodes
E69 How to Make ANY Job Spiritual
E69: How to Make ANY Job Spiritual. It’s not only possible to create a spiritual foundation for every job, it easier than you think. You just have to use the most powerful equation in existence. The Secret of Creation is: INTENTION - becomes - ENERGY - becomes - EXPERIENCE. There is a massive transformation happening for humanity right [...]
E68 The Story of Creation Part 1
E68: The Story of Creation - Part 1 To understand creation, you must begin with existence. When you’re ready to explore the whole truth about creation, existence and evolution as well as why you exist and what you’re meant to be doing with your life…Subscribe so you can follow The Story of Creation as it’s revealed. When you’re [...]
E67 Introducing The Story of Creation
E67: Introducing The Story of Creation. There is only one truth. Either you’re willing to see it or you’re not. When you’re willing to see absolute truth, your life becomes a series of experiences that align you with the greatest awareness in existence. When you’re not open to truth, life brings pain, suffering, anxiety, depression and of feeling [...]
E66 What to Expect from 2025
E66: What to Expect from 2025. The Universal perspective is what you’ve always been meant to know but our ability to access Universal Wisdom has been hidden from us. 2025 is setting up the foundation to change exactly that. Imagine always knowing the universal perspective of everything you’re feeling and experiencing. Always knowing how to make the best [...]
E65 Creating The Future For Humanity
E65: Creating The Future For Humanity. Most people don’t understand what’s really going on in the world right now. We’ve gone from tearing down the old world to building the new world. I know it may not look like that from the outside, but in fact the energy has shifted (exactly when it was meant to) so that [...]
E64 His Search For The Meaning Of Existence
E64: His Search For The Meaning Of Existence. In this exclusive conversation with Universal Beings, Xavier Dagba’s higher purpose is revealed along with his extremely rare ability that only 4 other humans have. A world-renowned leader for those committed to pursuing Authentic Self Expression, Xavier uses his extraordinary talents to raise the vibration of humanity. Watch as Xavier [...]
E63 Breakthrough The Loneliness of The Soul Journey
E63: Breakthrough The Loneliness of The Soul Journey Loneliness is the grand illusion we create to remain addicted to a world where we exist based on external gratification. What that really means is you’re too scared to go into the depths of your soul to extract the messages and wisdom that you’re ready to hear. The exact messages [...]
E62 Why 98.9% of people DO NOT have Self Worth
E62: Why 98.9% of people DO NOT have Self Worth You’re about to discover the EXACT 4 Stages it takes for your Self Worth to develop, when they occur and how they impact your life. Why is it important you know this, so that you can identify why and where your self worth didn’t develop properly. Because when [...]
E61 Finding Fulfillment
E61: Finding Fulfillment Humans have been charged with creating a new world, that’s why you’re here in this life right now. The challenge is that creating this new world goes against everything you’ve been taught about your own existence, that’s the point. The foundation of the new world is based on the truth that humans are part of a much bigger [...]
E60 Feeling Universal Energy
E60: Restoring Your Most Valuable Primal Resource, Feeling Universal Energy. Humans are here to learn. It’s up to you to decide how and when you’re going to learn. No one can make this choice for you, just like you cannot make this choice for anyone else. Which is the exact reason humanity is in such turmoil now. When you feel you [...]
E59 Hiding Your Suffering to Reclaiming Your Power
E59: Hiding Your Suffering to Reclaiming Your Power. Have you ever questioned why you exist? Celine O’Donovan has many times. Running from the truth of who you are was the theme of Celine’s life until she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016. It was then that Celine really had to look beyond the shame and guilt and decide if she [...]
E58 Your Grief Is Powerful
E58: Your Grief Is Powerful. Official Release date: Sunday October 13, 2024 It’s overwhelming watching the world fall apart, loosing loved ones and walking away from people and dynamics that you may not want to, but know you have to. It’s hard creating a new life and harder still when you have to do it alone. It’s scary, overwhelming and intimidating. [...]
E57 Kid Carson’s Incredible Questions For The Universe
E57: Kid Carson's Incredible Questions for The Soul of The Universe. Experience the magic that occurs when Kid Carson’s curious nature meets The Soul of The Universe. Discover what Universal Beings show up as we explore the roots of creation, existence and evolution. During our conversation we explore the concept of prayer and Michelle shares the Sacred Prayer shared with her [...]
E56 How To Make You Your Priority
E56: How To Make You Your Priority. Claire McAndrew is a perfect example of what happens when your priority is pleasing others. In Episode 56 of The Authentic Human Podcast Claire and I discuss so many challenges being faced by humanity right now as we go from one state of being to another as a result of the universal shift in [...]
E55 Surrender To Your Higher Power
E55: Surrender To Your Higher Power. Episode 55 was such a wonderful surprise. After 20 years of working with humans & their souls behind closed doors, it was a wonderful gift to share this level of intimacy in such a public way. I knew it would take a very unique human, who is not only committed to their own awakening, but [...]
E54 You Find This Episode When You’re Ready For Massive Transformation
E54: You Find This Episode When You're Ready For Massive Transformation. It’s time to go beyond the *fun* side of spirituality and dig deeper into what our experiences really mean from The Universal Perspective. As humans we’ve spent a lot of time learning how to approach life from our mind. Strategizing, planning, setting goals and then taking the steps we need [...]
E53 His Soul Reveals His Life Changing Ability to Unlock Universal Codes.
E53: His Soul Reveals His Life Changing Ability to Unlock Universal Codes. Your beliefs are the only thing that stand in your way. When Ryan’s soul shared this one simple truth the entire experience shifted. Ryan allowed himself to fully participate so that he could have access to the life changing information he spent months actively searching for. The difference between [...]
E52 The Power of Compassion & Learning Through Life.
E52: The Power of Compassion & Learning Through Life. Finding your purpose is a journey that unfolds throughout your entire life. It’s not a destination, it is a never-ending adventure that consists of every experience you’ve ever had. The key is to participate in your experiences, so you learn what it is you’re meant to be learning. In episode 52 Skye [...]
E51 What Surrendering To Your Higher Purpose Looks Like.
E51: What Surrendering To Your Higher Purpose Looks Like. Everything in your life has happened for a reason. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that, especially when you’re going through a great challenge. In Episode 51 you get an up close and very personal perspective on how true this is as Nick’s soul shares how important his past will be in helping [...]
E50 What Happens When Your Soul Tells You Why You Exist.
E50: What Happens When Your Soul Tells You Why You Exist. Do you know how many expectations you’re carrying around everyday? The answer is thousands. Whether you’re aware of them or not, they’re there and they’re affecting everything you do. Expectations are what bring guilt, shame and regret. Humans were never meant to follow agendas. Ever. We’ve been trained to follow [...]