Latest Episodes
E79 The Story of Creation Part 9
E79: The Story of Creation - Part 9 You were right. Every time you felt there must be more, you were right. Every time you were shamed for wanting more, you were right. It’s ok. You were seen and you weren’t forgotten. Part 9 of The [real] Story of Creation is unfolding and The Creator knew what we [...]
E78 The Story of Creation Part 8
E78: The Story of Creation - Part 8 Your essence is part of existence itself and it’s time you meet all the parts of you that relate to specific aspects of creation so that you can begin to allow yourself to expand and grow. Episode 78 offers you the opportunity to dive deep into experiencing the layers that [...]
E77 The Story of Creation Part 7
E77: The Story of Creation - Part 7 Sacred Ceremony to Reprogram Your Cells to Truth. You ARE the power source. You do not need an external source for your power. The Creator & Jesus explain how the manipulation of humanity caused you to feel separate and alone and how you use pity to try and fix how [...]
E76 The Story of Creation Part 6
E76: The Story of Creation - Part 6 This was one of the most profound experiences of my life. This episode is a gap outside of time and space created for you to have an experience of your own creation. The Creator and The Angelics walk you through the miracle of creating human existence, what it meant to [...]
E75 The Story of Creation Part 5
E75: The Story of Creation - Part 5 Exploring existence from a perspective of how energy becomes matter. When you’re ready to explore the whole truth about creation, existence and evolution as well as why you exist and what you’re meant to be doing with your life…Subscribe so you can follow The Story of Creation as it’s revealed. [...]
E74 The Story of Creation Part 4
E74: The Story of Creation - Part 4 Deepening your relationship with The Angelics and beginning the journey into exploring Belief Systems When you’re ready to explore the whole truth about creation, existence and evolution as well as why you exist and what you’re meant to be doing with your life…Subscribe so you can follow The Story of [...]
E71 Identifying Ancient Alien Artifacts
E71: Identifying Ancient Alien Artifacts. This is the first time Michelle is seeing or hearing about these artifacts, yet her incredible ability to read universal energy and communicate with consciousness itself reveals the hidden truth behind these ancient artifacts coming out of Mexico. Believed by many to be of Alien origins with secret messages. Michelle instantly sets the [...]
E73 The Story of Creation Part 3
E73: The Story of Creation - Part 3 How energy becomes physical manifestation. Part 3 introduces you to Angelics and the concept of how vibration becomes matter. When you’re ready to explore the whole truth about creation, existence and evolution as well as why you exist and what you’re meant to be doing with your life…Subscribe so you [...]
E72 The Story of Creation Part 2
E72: The Story of Creation - Part 2 In part 2 The Creator explains Your Sovereignty and the importance of being you while also giving you the opportunity to experience just how powerful you truly are. When you’re ready to explore the whole truth about creation, existence and evolution as well as why you exist and what you’re [...]
E70 Cultivating Self Respect
E70: Cultivating Self Respect. Your experiences are strategically designed to allow you to learn more about yourself. Self recognition is being able to take what you’ve experienced in a way that allows you to recognize your strengths, weaknesses, interests and instincts. Paul gives you the opportunity to see what happens when you’ve allowed other people to tell you [...]
E69 How to Make ANY Job Spiritual
E69: How to Make ANY Job Spiritual. It’s not only possible to create a spiritual foundation for every job, it easier than you think. You just have to use the most powerful equation in existence. The Secret of Creation is: INTENTION - becomes - ENERGY - becomes - EXPERIENCE. There is a massive transformation happening for humanity right [...]
E68 The Story of Creation Part 1
E68: The Story of Creation - Part 1 To understand creation, you must begin with existence. When you’re ready to explore the whole truth about creation, existence and evolution as well as why you exist and what you’re meant to be doing with your life…Subscribe so you can follow The Story of Creation as it’s revealed. When you’re [...]
E67 Introducing The Story of Creation
E67: Introducing The Story of Creation. There is only one truth. Either you’re willing to see it or you’re not. When you’re willing to see absolute truth, your life becomes a series of experiences that align you with the greatest awareness in existence. When you’re not open to truth, life brings pain, suffering, anxiety, depression and of feeling [...]
E66 What to Expect from 2025
E66: What to Expect from 2025. The Universal perspective is what you’ve always been meant to know but our ability to access Universal Wisdom has been hidden from us. 2025 is setting up the foundation to change exactly that. Imagine always knowing the universal perspective of everything you’re feeling and experiencing. Always knowing how to make the best [...]
E65 Creating The Future For Humanity
E65: Creating The Future For Humanity. Most people don’t understand what’s really going on in the world right now. We’ve gone from tearing down the old world to building the new world. I know it may not look like that from the outside, but in fact the energy has shifted (exactly when it was meant to) so that [...]
E64 His Search For The Meaning Of Existence
E64: His Search For The Meaning Of Existence. In this exclusive conversation with Universal Beings, Xavier Dagba’s higher purpose is revealed along with his extremely rare ability that only 4 other humans have. A world-renowned leader for those committed to pursuing Authentic Self Expression, Xavier uses his extraordinary talents to raise the vibration of humanity. Watch as Xavier [...]
E63 Breakthrough The Loneliness of The Soul Journey
E63: Breakthrough The Loneliness of The Soul Journey Loneliness is the grand illusion we create to remain addicted to a world where we exist based on external gratification. What that really means is you’re too scared to go into the depths of your soul to extract the messages and wisdom that you’re ready to hear. The exact messages [...]
E62 Why 98.9% of people DO NOT have Self Worth
E62: Why 98.9% of people DO NOT have Self Worth You’re about to discover the EXACT 4 Stages it takes for your Self Worth to develop, when they occur and how they impact your life. Why is it important you know this, so that you can identify why and where your self worth didn’t develop properly. Because when [...]
E61 Finding Fulfillment
E61: Finding Fulfillment Humans have been charged with creating a new world, that’s why you’re here in this life right now. The challenge is that creating this new world goes against everything you’ve been taught about your own existence, that’s the point. The foundation of the new world is based on the truth that humans are part of a much bigger [...]
E60 Feeling Universal Energy
E60: Restoring Your Most Valuable Primal Resource, Feeling Universal Energy. Humans are here to learn. It’s up to you to decide how and when you’re going to learn. No one can make this choice for you, just like you cannot make this choice for anyone else. Which is the exact reason humanity is in such turmoil now. When you feel you [...]
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