April 2024 Eclipse from a Universal perspective.

The last six months have been a very wild ride filled with some of the most fascinating experiences you never thought possible.  Then just when you think it can’t get any weirder or more challenging, it does.

But why is it happening?

Well, for starters you’re being initiated.  But this isn’t any initiation, it’s your entrance into not only a more conscious state of being, but it is the process of your soul helping you to create a new foundation for your entire life.

Yes, you’re currently learning how to create a new foundation for your life, whether you want to participate or not.  It’s when we don’t want to participate that creates those epic experiences of challenge and discomfort.  But it’s the choosing to participate that brings some seriously incredible experiences of clarity, pure pleasure and immense abundance.

The world is changing, it’s no secret.  Humanity is being asked over and over again to see more, feel more and be more.  We’ve been offered guidance in the way of encouragement and opportunities to see truth, even when we haven’t wanted to.

Sometimes we’ve felt hurt, sometimes we’ve felt good and other times we’ve felt drained and exhausted with nothing left to give.  But right now the universe is going through a purge on a massive level.  You are going through a purge and that means you need to see what you’re dealing with.

So, the last 6 months have been about taking stock of who you are and where you are in your life.  Everything is about you being given more clarity into what you actually want your life to look like.  The challenge is when you don’t really understand that this is what’s been going on, then it just seems like all you’re doing is going through one challenge after another.

The big transition for this Eclipse is to release yourself from the bondage of the rules of others.

Sounds simple enough, but it’s also being able to recognize all sides of this dynamic.  First and foremost is your tendency to allow yourself to become someone else as a result of judgement.  Whether it be their judgement or yours.

Next is the ability to fully recognize not only who you’re being in your life, but allowing the truth of who you are to become your guide.  This means actually being conscious of the person you’re being in each moment.  Not stressing out when you forget, but taking action the moment you realize.  Simply stated it means paying attention to the person you’re being.

Are the things you’re doing and the things your saying a reflection of how you feel and what you are working towards?  This is a crucial aspect of conscious living, because it’s how you’re actually communicating with the universe.

Your ability to communicate, which is the energy of your intention of all things, is what determines your success in life.  This is what this Eclipse is offering you.  The guidance to allow yourself to participate in life through the eyes of who you are meant to be, no longer from the automatic responses of who you were taught to be.

Every human has trauma.  Trauma is a significant part of the human physical journey at this time in evolution, because humanity keeps choosing trauma.

Trauma occurs when the human side of us isn’t aware of what’s occurring on your soul side.  Trauma is a reaction to finding out truth through the mind which never has all the details and can never fully comprehend the reasons behind why things happen.  This is because the mind was never meant to lead.  It was meant as an indicator that something is occurring, but never as the actual leader of any given experience.

So when trauma unfolds, it is a result of the mind ‘not wanting to allow’ the full universal awareness into your space.

How does this work?  Well, as humans we have immense capacity to see, feel and work with energy.  But we also have an innate sense of the differences between physical, soul and universal energies.  Knowing when and how to access and utilize each to ensure we fulfill our higher calling when we are in human form.

The problem is that our human sides are struggling to remember these abilities, so we’re getting a significant push from the universe in order to fully restore these remarkable talents.  That’s what’s really happening on a universal level right now.

We know that 2024 is the year of purity – we’ve been studying all the amazing aspects of this in the Authentic Human Collective this season and it has been revolutionary.  Understanding that purity is a reflection of your ability to communicate.  So far this year we’ve been experiencing every aspect of our ability to communicate being challenged.  The most important being how you communicate about yourself to yourself.

Now we’re taking what we’ve been learning to a whole new level.  We’re going to rejoice in our ability to recognize our own power.  And over the past few weeks you’ve been learning what power truly means.  Power is not control and it certainly is not about controlling or having control over another.  Power is about understanding and recognizing that you have a responsibility to yourself, your soul and the universe itself.

That responsibility is to fulfill why you came here in this life.

The problem is that most of us came here and got ‘trained’ on how to live and fell into so many beliefs that we haven’t been able to fulfill or mission, often not even fully knowing or even understanding what your mission is.

But that’s all about to change.

The next five months are all about uncovering the truth about who you are so that you can remember why you’re here.

Humans need to participate in their higher calling to feel fulfilled.

You can be busy and justify why you can’t, won’t or don’t have time for yourself.  Or you can choose to allow yourself to see just what your soul is sharing with you in any given moment.  Knowing that who you are and wat you’re feeling is all happening to help you break free from every single one of those rules that you follow…that do not reflect who you are.

So this week, feel deeply into what feel good, what feel right and what feels off or uncomfortable.  Ask yourself if your experiences are valuable enough for you to continue putting effort into or if it’s time to find a new way of being.

Every human is meant for greatness.  You are meant for greatness.

Greatness doesn’t mean standing on the world’s stage receiving accolades for a job well done.  Greatness means becoming whole.  Knowing who you are and fulfilling your true soul purpose in this life.

That’s a feat only a rare few humans get to experience.  Why?  Because most are too busy running around trying to follow everyone else’s rules.

Your job for the next few weeks is to remember who you really are by feeling into what makes you, you.   Not following patterns, rituals and relationships because you’ve done it that way for so long.  That’s not what humanity was created experience.

We were created to explore our potential.  That means trying new things every day.  Never following someone else’s rules.  Always going further than we think possible, into the realm of possibility and never ever forgetting that our true innate magic is living within us, all you have to do is unleash it.

It’s that simple.  Imagine all those years of trying to be who you think you need to be for everyone else, imagine just simply unclipping the leash and allowing yourself to run, play, explore and live alongside each other.

It’s going to bring up some awkward experiences and conversations because honestly we have forgotten how to self govern.  But self governance is actually pretty easy, just feel into what’s right and follow that and resist any and all urges from your mind to ‘rationalize’ how you feel.

On Thursday April 4th in the Authentic Human Collective community I will be offering a Sacred Eclipse Ceremony – facilitated by Universal Beings – so that you can feel this shift from a universal energetic perspective, releasing what is no longer necessary while being infused with new energy, awareness and perspective of who you are, where you’re meant to be going and how to get there.

I’m looking forward to experiencing the magic and wonder that will unfold.  If you’re a member of the Authentic Human Collective community, you can LOG IN to access the prep for the Eclipse ceremony.

Much love,

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